
вторник, 30 април 2013 г.

На колела 
On the road 

Е, Цветница мина и сега чакаме Великден! 
Предстоят ШЕСТ почивни дни!!! Ура!!!
Време за тотално разпускане, за почивка. Време да се видим с приятели - поне на по кафенце  (ако не за повече) и да пообиколим  насам-натам. Затова и бързах да привърша този мотор, за да мога да се отдам на заслужена, дългоочаквана почивка. 

Моторът е от черни и сиви лентички, на част от които преди да навия лентичката, оцветих само ръбчето и със сребриста боя (за по-голяма прилика с металните части на моторите). 

на слънчева светлина 

27 коментара:

  1. What a beautiful stylized bike! I love it, Maria, it's so artistic! Would you mind sharing the size of it?


    1. Thanks, Manu! I have to measure it - but to have an initial idea - the grey sheet of paper behind is A4 format.

  2. Oh my, Maria! This is beautiful and stunning! You are such a great artist! Did I understand correctly - you used gilt edged papers for some parts of the bike?

    1. Zoe...I am so happy when you leave your comments! Yes, I used a gel silver marker to paint just the edges of the paper strips as we do not have here paper with metalized edges in the stores.
      Sorry that my posts are only on Bulgarian, but I am not so confident in my English and for now prefer to let people use Google translator ;)

    2. Don't you dare be sorry about writing in your own language! Language is not a barrier here - your work is beautiful, and we can all understand that in any language.

      You know, Bulgarian and Russian are much more different than people think.
      And google translator is good when you want some comedy :))

  3. Ееее,много оригинално виждане!Браво!Уникално!Поздрави!

  4. Gorgeous and beautiful colors!
    Greetings Baukje

  5. I absolutely love that!! Great work, Congratulations Maria :)

  6. WOW! BEAUTIFUL Bike! This could be my best friends bike! Is there any way you could give me basic instructions? I would like to do this in the colors of her bike. She has an "old school" Harley that she put together herself. What a great Christmas gift for her. She taught me how to ride my bike.
    Sending Sunshine, Smiles,and Love from Florida US

    1. Hi! THANK YOU! It's so kind to receive such a comment! I tryied to send an e-mail to you, but maybe the address is wrong???? Could you check it please?

  7. Здравей, Мария! :)

    Пркрасни творения има из блога ти! :) Бих искала да направя този страхотен мотор за рождения ден на един приятел. Не съм се занимавала точно с квилинг до сега, но не ми липсва сръчност, мисля, че мога да се справя, но ще са ми нужни насоки. Би ли ми дала съвет къде и какво точно да погледна, имам 3 седмици да се справя с този подарък. :)

    С възхищение,

    1. Рая, благодаря много!
      Вероятно ще можеш да ми изпратиш имейл, на който да се опитам да отговоря?!?! И най-добре един телефонен номер, защото да се опише стъпка по стъпка е мнооого трудно. По-лесно и за двете ще бъде да се чуем :)

  8. would it be possible to get a copy of the pattern fo r the motorcycle? they would make great gifts. orienscurse@yahoo.com thank you.

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous. I am just learning to quill and would live to someday be able to be this great. Can you send me the pattern? myworldawaits@yahoo.com

  10. This is absolutely incredible you're an amazing artist! I would love to do this for my brother for Christmas would you mind emailing me the pattern and directions? My email is calvinsmom8807@yahoo.com

  11. So beautiful would love to do this for my dad can you send pattern and instructions natashatoon.nt@gmail.com love to see more of your work
