
петък, 29 юни 2012 г.

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A really quick post

Ако искате да видите и други творби като тази, натиснете на този link, за да им се полюбувате!
Заслужава си! Всичко е направено от хартия - художниците са Allen and Patty Eckman.

В блога като цяло има много интересни неща, които да види човек.

2 коментара:

  1. When you see what other people can do with the paper you feel so ashamed...as your work doesn't mean anything as strong as this...Well,I am more sensitive and this is how I feel!
    My PC broke again and we felt like a member of our family is in Hospital!We brought it home and now we hope it will be health for a longer time!
    The heat is already here... maybe on Monday I will buy a family ticket for 6 days seaside vacation and of course,the cat is coming with us!!!(like last year!)How about you? I hope you are OK!
    hugs and kisses
